
Grooming Your Cat With Ease

Grooming Your Cat With Ease
Have you ever washed a cat with soap and water? It's so not fun and something I hope you don't have to do often. If your cat is an outside cat, you may have to groom him more often because cats are notorious for rolling in the dirt. For the most part, cats were made to groom themselves with their tongue. It's just instinct for them to want to stay clean and they'll literally spend hours cleaning themselves until they are satisfied. There are times, however, that you may want to help them out a little. If you brush them with a cat brush every so often, it will get the loose hairs off of them so the don't ingest them. Hairballs are a nasty by-product of the ingestion of too much hair. It's inevitable that they will swallow some hair but if you just brush them once a week, you could alleviate a lot of discomfort for your cat.

Grooming Your Cat With Ease If you have a cat with long hair, it is even more imperative that you brush his coat often. This hair can easily become dislodged from shedding and he will more than likely swallow the majority of it. If the hair is digested, sometimes it can bound up in the intestines causing an intestinal blockage with can result in infection and death. You don't think he's taking in that much hair while he's cleaning himself but he is getting a lot on his tongue. Always brush your cat's hair in the same direction that it grows so that any stray hairs will easily come out and onto the brush.

When grooming your cat, it's not a good idea to brush his face or feet. Those two areas are very sensitive to the touch and the bristles can tickle or irritate the skin underneath. There's a product online that is like a glove but has little prickly bristles at the hand so that when you are petting your cat, you're also grooming him and he doesn't even realize it. He's just getting a nice massage from what he thinks is your hand and will love you for it. When you look down after a few strokes of your hand, you'll see a nice flat layer of hair and all you have to do is peel it away from the bristles and go back to the petting again. Whoever thought that up was a genius in my book.

Grooming Your Cat With Ease It's a really good idea to examine your cats ears, eyes and teeth when grooming him as well. When looking at his eyes, be sure they appear clear and there is not sleep or mucous in the corners. Sometimes dirt or other debris can get in there and settle in the corners of his eyes so clearing that out regularly will help to prevent infection. His ears should be nice and pink but not red. You shouldn't see what will look like dirty little specs in the ear canal because this could be an indication of ear mites.