
What's the Better Treatment For Cats? Advantage? Or Frontline?

What's the Better Treatment For Cats? Advantage? Or Frontline?
If you are an owner of a cat or cats, then you are probably more than aware of the issue of fleas, ticks and lice. Critters find your pet cat as a luxury haven for breeding and multiplying and if not addressed early on can lead to serious health problems for your cat as well as other animals in the home. The 2 most popular manufacturers of treatments specifically for cats are Frontline and advantage. In this article I will discuss the difference between them both and which one you should consider purchasing based on there own merits.

The Better Treatment For Cats - A fast acting solution!

Both products are fairly quick when it comes to getting rid of critters in a rapid time. Advantage takes the upper hand in this department as fleas and common pests are killed within an hour in most cases while Frontline takes a few hours to take effect. All in all both products will eliminate fleas and lice within 24 hours after being applied.

The Better Treatment For Cats - The most effective treatment?

Frontline clearly has the most effectiveness when it comes to dealing with pesky critters. Unlike Advantage, Frontline also kills common ticks and lice as well as making sure eggs in the process of development are exterminated. If you want a treatment that combines many benefits in one then Frontline is the right choice.

The Better Treatment For Cats - The lasting effects?

Of both product types Frontline wins again. Advantage can last up to 1 month which is impressive as is. Frontline on the other hand can last up to 7 weeks or more per application meaning money saved and a more effective treatment long term.

The final decision

Advantage and Frontline are both equally effective in removing fleas. Frontline has the upper hand in terms of longevity and is also a product that is 100% safe to use on your cat or dog and is highly recommended and endorsed by vets worldwide. Advantage can be found at a lower price that Frontline which balances out the treatment range of both products. If you want a product that also prevents and kills lice and ticks as well as fleas then Frontline is your best choice. Advantage is recommended if you want a cheaper solution dedicated to just removing fleas. All in all both products are equally recommended.